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Configuration Files

NeoRouter uses multiple configuration files to control some advanced features. The most useful files are Feature.ini and Log.ini. Feature.ini is used for customizing some internal feature set, performance tuning and debugging purpose. Log.ini is used for tracing application information for troubleshooting.

We provide the file templates as below:

Feature.ini template

# Feature.ini
# This is the feature set configuration file for NeoRouter software.
# If contains the configuration directives that give both client
# and server programs instructions.
# This file should be located in the main configuration folder of
# NeoRouter. For NeoRouter Portable, this file can be loaded from 
# the same folder as the executable file.
# Any changes to this file won't take into effect until the
# application restarts.
# If there is no value assigned to a setting key, default value will
# be choose.

#Description: Current Language LocaleID
#Options:     local ID on Windows
#Default:     1033

#Description: Current Skin Name
#Options:     Skin file name
#Default:     Office2007.styles

#Description: Current Skin Style
#Options:     Skin style name
#Default:     NormalBlue.ini or NormalAqua.ini

#Description: Create P2P connection between peers
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Support UDP P2P only (do not try TCP P2P connection)
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Encrypt packets before sending
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Compress packets between befor sending (without encrption)
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     0

#Description: Compress and encrypt packets before sending
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     0

#Description: Number of threads in the thread pool (Windows and Linux ONLY)
#Options:     2*number of CPU cores
#Default:     5

#Description: Maintain TCP connection using heart beat mechanism
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: The type of heart beat for TCP
#Options:     0-keep ping; 1-ping when idle
#Default:     1

#Description: Maintain UDP connection using heart beat mechanism
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: The type of heart beat for UDP
#Options:     0-keep ping; 1-ping when idle
#Default:     1

#Description: time interval between keep alive probes
#Options:     >0
#Default:     15 seconds

#Description: time of connection inactivity after which the first keep alive request is sent
#Options:     >0
#Default:     15 seconds

#Description: number of keep alive requests retransmitted before the connection is considered broken. For example, when a client lost network connection for total time = KeepAliveTime + KeepAliveIntvl * KeepAliveProbes, it will be traded as disconnected.
#Options:     >0
#Default:     3 times

#Description: Close the P2P tunnel when it's idle
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Work with bSupportAutoDisconnectTunnel, time of a tunnel when idle
#Options:     >0
#Default:     600 seconds (10min)

#Description: Keep TCP connection alive
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Socket Send Buffer
#Options:     > 8KB
#Default:     2097152 Bytes (2MB)

#Description: Socket Recv Buffer
#Options:     > 8KB
#Default:     2097152 Bytes (2MB)

#Description: Timer for creating p2p tunnel
#Options:     > 600000
#Default:     600000 ms (10 min)

#Description: Reset tap device when switch domain (Windows ONLY)
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Virtual IP metric
#Options:     >0
#Default:     9000

#Description: Run script before tap gets initialized
#Options:     Any script or command

#Description: Run script after tap is initialized
#Options:     Any script or command

#Description: Run script when tap get uninitialized
#Options:     Any script or command

#Description: Keep custom changes, such as add-ons, DNS cache, proxy and so on
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Check DNS cache first when parsing NeoRouter Domain Name, instead of calling NeoRouter Domain server
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Interval to refresh DNS cache
#Options:     > 0
#Default:     15 days

#Description: Server updates domain server automatically (once a hour)
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Trade the log on name as NeoRouter Domain name instead of a computer name
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Alternative server IP address
#Options:     local IP address of the server, in format [domain name],[local ip address]:[port]
#Example:     testdomain,

#Description: Network Interface name used for getting MAC address
#Options:     the primary network interface having MAC address
#Default:     eth (on Linux) or ed (on FreeBSD)

#Description: Hardware ID for client (it's used when cannot find a valid network interface on Linux)
#Options:     Any unique string

#Description: Allow to create point-to-site or site-to-site VPN
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     0

#Description: Hardware ID for client (it's used when cannot find a valid network interface on Linux)
#Options:     Any unique string
#Default:     The parameters are in the format below:
#             LANSegment[nIndex]=[value]
#             [nIndex] is a number (>0);
#             [value] is a string in the format: Network/SubnetMask,VIP

#Description: Server audits users activities
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Max Lines of a Log File, after that a new log file will be created
#Options:     0-unlimited
#Default:     0

#Description: Path of the audit file
#Options:     a folder with proper permission
#Default:     main configuration folder

#Description: Specify protocol nrserver uses
#Options:     1-compatible with v1 or v2 clients; 2-clients must be v2.
#Default:     1

#Description: Specify host IP type for nrserver
#Options:     0-detect; 1-IPv4; 2-IPv6; 3-Dual
#Default:     0

#Description: Max number of client connections that are connecting/authenticating to nrserver
#Options:     > 0
#Default:     10

#Description: Support Web Gateway
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Support Web Console
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Support Web Client
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Whether can sign in with Server host OS user account
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: Whether disable SSLv3 protocol and use TLS only
#Options:     0-Disabled; 1-Enabled 
#Default:     1

#Description: The interval for re-create p2p tunnel. 
#Options:     Seconds. 0 - disabled; suggested value: 10*60
#Default:     0

#Description: Timeout value of client connections that are connecting/authenticating to nrserver 
#Options:     milliseconds. > 17000
#Default:     17*1000

#Description: Min listen port when establishing P2P connection 
#Options:     0 - use port allocated by OS; > 0 specify start port number of the port range, that is used by Client to establish   P2P connections.
#Default:     0

Log.ini template

# Log.ini
# This is the logging configuration file for NeoRouter software.
# If contains the configuration directives that give both client
# and server programs instructions.
# This file will be searched in the following paths:
# 1. the same folder as the executable file
# 2. the main configuration folder
# Any changes to this file won't take into effect until the
# application restarts.
# If there is no value assigned to a setting key, default value will
# be choosen. 
# If a specific application section gets defined, the values in the
# [Default] section would be replaced with the specific values if 
# it is re-defined
#  Format: FF FFFFFF = Level Modules
#  ALL   : FF FFFFFF = 4294967295
#  TRACE : 3F FFFFFF = 1073741823
#  DEBUG : 1F FFFFFF = 536870911
#  INFO  : 0F FFFFFF = 268435455
#  WARN  : 07 FFFFFF = 134217727
#  ERROR : 03 FFFFFF = 67108863
#  FATAL : 01 FFFFFF = 33554431
#  1-File; 2-DebugView; 4-UDP; 8-Pipe
#  File: it is the folder name where the log file will be stored
#  UDP :  it is the IP address of the Log Viewer
#  1 - true (default)
#  0 - false
#  The values defined in sub section will replace the Default values,
#  if it's not empty. If it's empty, the default value will be used

#Description: Error type and modules mask
#     ALL   : FF FFFFFF = 4294967295
#     TRACE : 3F FFFFFF = 1073741823
#     DEBUG : 1F FFFFFF = 536870911
#     INFO  : 0F FFFFFF = 268435455
#     WARN  : 07 FFFFFF = 134217727
#     ERROR : 03 FFFFFF = 67108863
#     FATAL : 01 FFFFFF = 33554431
#Default:     536870911

#Description: Logging target type
#Options:     0-Disable logging; 1-File; 2-DebugView|Print message to console|Android logger; 4-UDP
#Default:     0

#Description: Log file folder or IP address of the log viewer
#Options:     any folder with proper permission
#Default:     default main configuration folder
#Path=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ZebraNetworkSystems\NeoRouter

#Description: Max lines of each log file
#Options:     0-Do not split logging file; >0 - save logging information to multiple files
#Default:     0

#You can also define specific logging settings for a specific application

#Description: Section name of an application
#Options:     Executable file name (without extension name), it's case-sensitive




